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The Best Food Production Freezers

Food production and preservation are much easier thanks to today’s sophisticated blast-freezing technology. It helps not only to extend the shelf life of medicines and prepared foods but also raw materials such as seafood, poultry, beef, and produce. Let’s look a little closer at what blast freezing can do for your food and beverage processing business.

Purpose of Blast Freezing for Food Production

Blast freezing, also known as “flash freezing,” is when the equipment rapidly chills products down to a desired temperature. How cold you want it depends on the type of product, and whether you aim to sell it fresh or frozen. Our commercial blast freezers can accommodate any factory needs, whether you wish to chill tray-packed chicken, whole turkeys, or individually wrapped sausage patties (and beyond).

Advantages of Selecting Our Blast Freezing Equipment

  1. Cut Product Waste Substantially - Whenever food products don’t receive proper refrigeration, they spoil much faster. This leaves you with zero yield to show for all the dollars you invested into raising livestock or farming produce. Blast freezing helps minimize this frustration.
  2. Gain Several Months More Shelf Life - Proper freezing can also make a big difference if you want to make frozen products last 12 months or longer (as opposed to just two or three).
  3. Retain Fresh Product Quality - Now, it’s much easier to freeze products without compromising the texture or other quality components. You can keep fish more malleable, chicken more tender, and never suffer “freezer burn” again, unlike with traditional refrigeration methods.
  4. Confidently Offer Safer Food Products - With all the product recalls in the news these days, you cannot afford to encounter bacteria or other spoilage problems at your facility. Blast freezing can go a long way in minimizing the volume of bacteria and other bio-organisms accumulating on products. Faster freezing with our technology makes this happen.

Choose Modern Portable Refrigeration & Enjoy Better Freezing Results

We have shown all of our food production clients that it’s possible to freeze, preserve, and ship 20,000 pounds of product (or more) in a single day. You don’t have to settle for inefficient and costly icing procedures, leaving you inconsistent results. Our premium Shock Freezer promises to meet or exceed your expectations, and we’d love to show you why.

Modern Portable Refrigeration offers reliable, first-class blast-freezing equipment, capable of 190,000 BTUs of robust power, and enough to achieve -30F. Don't take chances on ineffective freezing. Let us design customized equipment to match your food production needs.

Contact us anytime to learn more by calling 860-990-2661.

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