Are you aware of the abundant advantages of investing in blast freezing for your food, beverage, or pharmaceutical company?
This has become the preferred method for preserving foods without altering the raw materials or putting you at risk for more spoilage during the storage and shipping processes. We’d like to review some of the best reasons to equip your company with reliable blast-freezing equipment.
Almost Essential for Many Industries - If you’re producing and distributing anything like meat, produce, seafood, ice cream, candy, or perishable medicines, then blast freezing makes a tremendous difference. This method allows you to freeze products faster, and without the opportunity for crystallization, a major preservation impediment.
Eliminate Waste - Whenever you struggle to preserve valuable resources, the chances for waste rise considerably. Our freezing method is sometimes called “flash” freezing, a great way to emphasize how fast it works, thereby removing the opportunity for bacteria to invade products. Once you eliminate that problem, it will make a quantifiable difference in the volume of pounds you’re forced to condemn inside your plant.
Store Products Longer - The USDA and FDA have stringent guidelines for product storage and shelf-life expectations. The best way to make your frozen goods last longer is to blast freeze them and furnish them in effective onsite storage refrigerators.
Make Shipping Products Easier - August has been a banner month for hot temperatures and all the shipping difficulties that go along with them. However, if you equip your facility and transport vehicles with optimal freezing and storage support, this doesn’t have to be such a struggle. There’s a lot that goes into implementing an effective “cold chain” throughout your facility and processes, but blast freezing is the best foundation for all of it.
Enjoy a Safer Freezing Process - Ultimately, improving any refrigeration component results in better food safety. That will undoubtedly win you praise from your clients, customers, and regulators. Food preservation is the cornerstone of food safety, and blast freezing is a reliable way to ensure it.
Those are the top reasons to consider upgrading your facility with our effective blast-freezing technology.
The team at Modern Portable Refrigeration would be more than happy to meet with you and review the freezing and storage needs for your business site. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution to every manufacturing purpose, but we’re confident we can help you determine the best approach for your business. Call us anytime to learn about blast-freezing equipment or anything else we offer at 860-990-2661.
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